Brand System

Gabi keebler
3 min readApr 13, 2021


Here are 10 examples of letterheads and business cards to inspire my final brand system using my olympic bid logo. I was looking for large patters and unique ways designers have used scale. I also wanted to find ways to make a business card and letterhead feel special and unique like letterpress, stamps, or embossing.

3 questions for the class:

  1. What are some ways to make on a business card feel special, personal ?
  2. Do you think letterpress and embossing would be something to consider for an olympic bid brand system ?
  3. Can you have a case or slip for a business card ?

3 questions

  1. Is the rounded corner on the letterhead ok?
  2. Is the white background of the letterhead working?
  3. What can help my business card content?

First Mock of Style Guide

3 Questions:

  1. Is the framing on the left spread ok?
  2. Are the colors working with some colored and some white backgrounds?
  3. Are my secondary elements too big?

Final Style Guide, Letterhead, and Business Card

